To everyone who inquired about the tablet.. thank you. Thank you because it gave me a chance to check out all your profiles and discover a lot of really great entries that have been buried by the Yuyus and Tankmen and Dad At Dennys type submissions that rule the Portal most of the time.
I really wish I had more than one to give away. Alas.. someone had to be chosen... and it's Physco-Pickle, Code E Smith!
Code E's work reminds me of why I first got into Flash... why I first came to NewGrounds. When vintage toons like Blundercats or my own Lo Mein and Britney Dress Up were the top rated entries of the Portal. I respect Waterlollies.. but it bores the piss out of me.
Check out Code E's shit here -->
I will add that I work for a company that deals with Wacom on a regular basis. I'm going to see if I can con them into throwing me some free shit. Stay tooned (pun intended)!
Tooned. lol.... I won :)
I feel sexy again.
Thanks Webster :P